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RE: New Users Introduce Yourself - eegrek39 - Mar-18-2018

I am a 75 year old Retired engineer. I have had a reasonable knowledge of Visual Basic as used in windows access but just for interest I am trying to understand Python. I also like to learn by programming in some useful usable application and so I thought that learning python in conjunction with Qt4 Designer would enable me to apply the language rather than just going through the tutorials. I am trying to encourage one of my grandchildren to take up coding rather than just playing games, so I am trying to achieve a little application that will be interesting for him. I am a compete novice and a professional idiot, but have plenty of time to experiment.

RE: New Users Introduce Yourself - j.crater - Mar-18-2018

Welcome to Python and the forums! I very much like your cause and plan of execution. And sincerely hope you can get your grandchild inspired to take on coding ;)

RE: New Users Introduce Yourself - sparkz_alot - Mar-18-2018

Welcome to the Forum. Some words to remember: Since you and you grandchild are new to Python, be sure you use the latest version (currently 3.6.4). We have excellent installation instructions for Windows and Linux in our Tutorial Forum. Stay away from Python v 2.x as this branch is maintenance only and will be discontinued in 2020.

I would also suggest, as new user(s), that you start with Pythons builtin 'tkinter' for your beginning GUI applications. Then for more sparkle, try out wxPython. Note: My personal view and I stress personal, was that QT4 was quite bloated and had a very steep learning curve.

It sounds as if you want to interest your grandchild into creating their own games. For that I would recommend starting with 'pygame'. Again, we have an excellent tutorial in the Tutorial Forum to help get you started. Perhaps you could work on a joint project?

Python is not only a great language but also fun.

If you run into any problems, we are here to help and hopefully you will soon be able to help others on their journey.

RE: New Users Introduce Yourself - j.crater - Mar-18-2018

To the excellent suggestions pointed out by sparkz_alot, I would like to propose to also give Kivy GUI framework a try. I have just started experimenting with it and can say that it has by far the gentlest learning curve I have come across so far. Good luck!

RE: New Users Introduce Yourself - ljmetzger - Mar-18-2018

Hi all,

My name is Lewis and I'm a 68 year young code-a-holic. I've been retired for several years, and have been attempting to keep my mind young with Windows 10 and Excel VBA. My Excel travels now require some Javascript web scraping, thus my arrival here.

I've been on the board and using Python for about 10 days, using your tutorials to get started. It looks like you guys do a great job. There have been many false starts, which is painful, but a good way to learn.

My successful Python adventures so far include:
a. Hello World Smile
b. Running Python from Excel
c. Redirecting stdout and stderr both in code and from Windows .bat files (stdin to follow)
d. Accessing command line parameters using argc and argv (from Windows .bat files)
e. Basic BeautifulSoup
f. Very Basic Selenium using PhantomJs, Firefox, Chrome, Edge,Internet Explorer 11, Headless Firefox and Chrome
g. Graduating from IDLE to Microsoft 'Visual Studio Code'

Don't worry, when I have questions, I won't be afraid to ask.

Thanks again.


RE: New Users Introduce Yourself - Larz60+ - Mar-18-2018

Good to see some youngsters here... I'm 70+ Larz60+

Check out:

Have fun!

Hey - yf2zhang - Mar-30-2018

Hi all,

I am new to this forum. Nice meeting you all! I love coding in Python and Java.

Currently I am using python to do automation work. Is anyone here using Python for automation with selenium and autoit?

Please feel free to drop down a few words!

RE: New Users Introduce Yourself - Lawnmower - Mar-31-2018

Hey folks,

Newbie here. As someone who has got into coding recently after I turned 40 I'm really enjoying learning each language. With varying knowledge now in html, css, javascript and some C# I have started with python on sololearn a couple of weeks ago. I'm trying to get myself to some sort of full stack level with these and a couple of more, maybe php and node.js.

I enjoy working alone and hopefully learning all these things will make that more possible. I'm finding with each language I learn it gets easier to learn as I'm not so daunted by new phrases. Also noticing a lot of similarities in how different languages are written. I started a basic university maths online course and was suprised at how much was relevant to learning C# which in turn has made that course easier.

Happy to have found this forum and hope to learn much. Can't offer much in the area of Python but hope I can help in other areas where I have some knowledge.

RE: New Users Introduce Yourself - DataCowboy - Apr-05-2018

Hi folks,

Python newbie here. Recently lost my job as a data analyst when the company closed and found out that my skills were a bit outdated. Currently I'm on contract with a large fast food company as a business and data analyst (if you can call it that, it's all in Excel and really has very little analysis involved).

Planning on taking the Microsoft Professional Program for data science (why not just call it statistics?) in hopes it will help me find a more permanent job. A large part of that includes Python programming from what I can tell.

I've used the usual LAMP in the past and other languages (VBA, JavaScript, limited C++). So far Python seems far easier with the syntax.

RE: New Users Introduce Yourself - sparkz_alot - Apr-05-2018

Welcome and good luck achieving your goals.