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RPi with IR Sensor - Printable Version

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RPi with IR Sensor - pimlicosnail - Jun-24-2018

Hello, I'm building a IRSensing robot (obstacle avoiding) using information I got from a beginner's website. I can't tell whether the problem I'm having is with the IR Sensors or with the code I'm using. I had to make several changes to the code from what the website posted to stop receiving syntax and indentation errors, but now all I get is nothing when I run the python file. Can someone check the code to make sure I don't still have something wrong with it?

import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time
GPIO.setup(3, GPIO.IN)                            #Right sensor connection
GPIO.setup(16, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) #Left sensor connection
while True:
  i=GPIO.input(3)                         #Reading output of right IR sensor
  j=GPIO.input(16)                        #Reading output of left IR sensor
if i==0:                                #Right IR sensor detects an object
  print "Obstacle detected on Left",i
elif j==0:                              #Left IR sensor detects an object
  print "Obstacle detected on Right",j

RE: RPi with IR Sensor - Larz60+ - Jun-24-2018

are you receiving any errors? if so, please post.
Just an FYI, indentations should be 4 spaces per level {per PDP 8)