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ModuleNotFoundError: no module named 'encodings' - Printable Version

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ModuleNotFoundError: no module named 'encodings' - grunge10111 - May-29-2020

Hello everyone,

I have Python 3.7.5 on Windows 10 and it has worked fine for the most part. But lately whenever I've tried to use it, I get this encodings module not found error. I have looked through my directory and it is in there. I have uninstalled and reinstalled it multiple times but it is the same result every time. After asking around I was able to get a workaround using double quotations for spacing and -E function, but it only works for some things and I can't use Python entirely just using that. I have been able to install\upgrade some packages using that method though. I had to take it off the path to get that to work, and if Python is on the path, it won't work at all. I've asked for help all over the internet and either don't get any responses at all or the person that does doesn't use Windows and can't really help me. I don't know much about programming and I'm really getting desperate because I can't find answers anywhere. So if anyone can help me out here, I'd be so grateful!

RE: ModuleNotFoundError: no module named 'encodings' - Larz60+ - May-29-2020

  • do you have more than one version of python installed?
  • what's printed when you run the following from command line?
  • pip -V
  • python -V
  • what is the actual package name?
Also, please show code, hard to do anything without.