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Adding an ascending number [SOLVED] - Printable Version

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Adding an ascending number [SOLVED] - AlphaInc - Jul-10-2021

Hello everybody,

I have a mail script written in python and now I want to add an ascending number in my script like this:

emailContent = "Text 1" + i+1 + "Text 2"

This is meant to be the information how many mails I have received. Can anyone help with this? This is my script:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import smtplib
import time

f1 = open("../index/mail.txt","r")
mail = [:-1]

f2 = open("../index/passwd.txt","r")
passwd = [:-1]

f3 = open("../index/receiver.txt","r")
receiver = [:-1]

#Email Variables
SMTP_SERVER = ''  #Email Server (don't change!)
SMTP_PORT = 587                 #Server Port (don't change!)
GMAIL_USERNAME = mail           #change this to match your gmail account
GMAIL_PASSWORD = passwd         #change this to match your gmail password

class Emailer:
    def sendmail(self, recipient, subject, content):

        #Create Headers
        headers = ["From: " + GMAIL_USERNAME, "Subject: " + subject, "To: " + recipient,
                   "MIME-Version: 1.0", "Content-Type: text/html"]
        headers = "\r\n".join(headers)

        #Connect to Gmail Server
        session = smtplib.SMTP(SMTP_SERVER, SMTP_PORT)

        #Login to Gmail
        session.login(GMAIL_USERNAME, GMAIL_PASSWORD)

        #Send Email & Exit
        msg = (headers + "\r\n\r\n" + content).encode('utf-8')
        session.sendmail(GMAIL_USERNAME, recipient, msg)

sender = Emailer()

sendTo = receiver
emailSubject = "Debug"
emailContent = "Text 1" + i+1 + "Text 2"

#Sends an email to the "sendTo" address with the specified "emailSubject" as the subject and "emailConten$
sender.sendmail(sendTo, emailSubject, emailContent)

RE: Adding an ascending number - BashBedlam - Jul-10-2021

I assume that you are wanting to concatenate the incremented variable i with two strings. Is this what you're looking for?

i = 9
emailContent = "Text 1 " + str (i+1) + " Text 2"
print (emailContent)

RE: Adding an ascending number - AlphaInc - Jul-11-2021

This goes into the direction. But when executing the script it stays with 10. how do I rewrite i so that
i gets higher after every execution of the script ?

RE: Adding an ascending number - perfringo - Jul-11-2021

IMHO sooner or later, when you least expect it, you will regret that you only open files but never close them.

F-strings (formatted string literals) are around appr 5 years so it could be good time to use them. Improves readability and eliminates need to convert datatypes.

If you need preserve counter between runs of program then you could write it into file and retrieve it from there.