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Issue with with list - Printable Version

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Issue with with list - Abdirahman - Jan-30-2022

I was solving a challenge on Microsoft course on python, you are given output and asked to reproduce it.

here is the given output:

There are 52 cards in the deck. Dealing ... There are 47 cards in the deck. Player has the following cards in their hand: ['Jack of Hearts', 'Queen of Hearts', '4 of Spades', 'Ace of Hearts', '9 of Diamonds']
here is my code

suits = ['Hearts','Spades','Clubs','Dimaonds']
ranks = ['2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10','Jack','Queen','King','Ace']
deck = []
for suit in suits:
    for rank in ranks:
        deck.append(f'{rank} of {suit}')
        deck_number = len(deck)
player_hand= []
print(f'There are {deck_number} cards in deck.')
import random

print(f'There are {deck_number} in the deck')
print(f'Player has the follwoing cards in their hand:\n {player_hand}')
Here is error:
Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\Ahmed\source\repos\pythonlist\pythonlist\", line 16, in <module> deck.remove(card) ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list Press any key to continue . . .
here is solution to their challenge :
import random

suits = ["Hearts", "Spades", "Clubs", "Diamonds"]
ranks = ["2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "Jack", "Queen", "King", "Ace"]
deck = []

for  suit in suits:
  for rank in ranks:
    deck.append(f'{rank} of {suit}')

print(f'There are {len(deck)} cards in the deck.')

print('Dealing ...')

hand = []

while len(hand) < 5:
    card = random.choice(deck)

print(f'There are {len(deck)} cards in the deck.')
print('Player has the following cards in their hand:')
I have tried their code and it worked, why it does not work with my code? is it becuse they used the while function and I did not?

RE: Issue with with list - Yoriz - Jan-30-2022

returns a list of strings

You are trying to remove that list of strings which is not an item of the list.

Their code is dealing with only one card string at a time in a loop.

RE: Issue with with list - BashBedlam - Jan-30-2022

If you useshuffle()instead ofrandom.choice()then you can just slice the deck like this.
suits = ['Hearts','Spades','Clubs','Dimaonds']
ranks = ['2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10','Jack','Queen','King','Ace']
deck = []
for suit in suits:
    for rank in ranks:
        deck.append(f'{rank} of {suit}')
        deck_number = len(deck)
player_hand= []
print(f'There are {deck_number} cards in deck.')
from random import shuffle
print(f'There are {deck_number} in the deck')
print(f'Player has the follwoing cards in their hand:\n {player_hand}')
There are 52 cards in deck. Dealing..... There are 47 in the deck Player has the follwoing cards in their hand: ['Jack of Spades', '8 of Clubs', '7 of Dimaonds', 'King of Dimaonds', '6 of Clubs']

RE: Issue with with list - deanhystad - Jan-30-2022

A few comments:

Imports belong at the top of the file, not buried in the code.

Why do you repeat line 7? Better yet, why do you have "deck_number"? If you want to know how many cards remain in the deck, use len(deck). This removes writing extra code that needs to be maintained and tested.

Making a deck of cards can be done with a very pleasing list comprehension.
deck = [f"{rank} of {suit}" for suit in suits for rank in ranks]
As already mentioned, shuffling the deck is definitely the best way to go. Dealing can be done by popping or slicing.
hand = deck[:5]
deck = deck[5:]
# or
hand = [deck.pop() for _ in range(5)]  # Dealing from the bottom!
The pop() method modifies the existing deck. The slice method creates a new deck

I you use choice() you need to remove the cards from the deck. Either removing the cards or building a new deck that doesn't contain the delt cards
hand = random.choices(deck, k=5)
for card in hand:
    deck.remove(card)  # This was the problem in your code.  Needed to call remove for each card, not list of cards
# or
deck = [card for card in deck if not card in hand]
The remove() method modifies the existing deck. The list comprehension method creates a new deck minus the cards delt.

You could also randomly pop cards out of the deck.
hand = [deck.pop(random.randint(0, len(deck)-1)) for _ in range(5)]

RE: Issue with with list - Abdirahman - Jan-31-2022

Thank you all for the help, I was not introduced to the shuffle method yet but it seems it is the best way to slice through a list.