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Rasp Pi Analog Joystick - Printable Version

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Rasp Pi Analog Joystick - mmagner2022 - Feb-07-2022

I am currently trying to connect my raspberry pi 3 to an analog joystick controller using an ADC but when I run the code and move the joystick, it always returns a position of 0. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

import spidev
import os
import time

#Define Axis Channels
swt_channel = 0
vrx_channel = 1
vry_channel = 2

#Time Delay
delay = 0.5

#Spi oeffnen
spi = spidev.SpiDev(),0)

#Function for reading the MCP3008 channel between 0 and 7
def readChannel(channel):
    val = spi.xfer2([1,(8+channel)<<4,0])
    data = ((val[1]&3) <<8) + val[2]
    return data

#endless loop
while True:
    #Determine position
    vrx_pos = readChannel(vrx_channel)
    vry_pos = readChannel(vry_channel)

    #SW determine
    swt_val = readChannel(swt_channel)

    print("VRx : {} VRy : {} SW : {}".format(vrx_pos,vry_pos,swt_val))

    # wait

RE: Rasp Pi Analog Joystick - Larz60+ - Feb-07-2022

I found this video: which interfaces an analog joystick
to pi using the ADS7830 ADC board. Code is in python, but does not use the spidev package
You didn't specify what you are using as an interface (ADC) however the code should be similar.

Seems to be quite thorough.