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Nodezator (free Python node editor) released to the public domain! - Printable Version

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Nodezator (free Python node editor) released to the public domain! - KennedyRichard - Jun-23-2022

Nodezator is a multi-purpose visual editor to connect Python functions (and callables in general) visually in order to produce flexible parametric behavior/data/applications/snippets. It also allows the node layouts to be exported to Python code.

Download/install instructions on the app's github repo.

Here's a screenshot:
[Image: screenshot.png]

Defining nodes is super easy too. For instance, Nodezator turns the function below into the following node automatically.

def get_circle_area(radius:float=0.0):
    return math.pi * (radius ** 2)
[Image: get_circle_area_node.png]

For those who didn't watch it yet, here's the presentation video from a couple of months ago:

The project is 100% free of charge, but if you can, consider donating to help the project.

Regardless of donating or not you are welcome in our free discord server.

By the way, I'm Kennedy Richard Silva Guerra, 31, creator and maintainer of Nodezator (as part of a personal project called Indie Python). Feel free to ask anything.

RE: Nodezator (free Python node editor) released to the public domain! - Gribouillis - Jun-23-2022

It certainly looks like an impressive piece of software. Does nodezator also handle classes and methods, and are there any perspectives in this direction?

RE: Nodezator (free Python node editor) released to the public domain! - KennedyRichard - Jun-23-2022

It does. It can turn any callable into a node. There are actually different ways to define nodes. You can write your own callable or you can use an existing one. I describe everything in the official manual.

This means any existing Python callable can be turned into a node. That is, all Python callables defined in the hundreds of thousands of packages can be turned into a node. I just usually mention functions because they are often more useful for this kind of workflow, but yes, you can use any callable, functions, classes, bound or unbound methods, lambdas, etc.

Here's for instance, how you would turn into a node:

### turning callable from third-party library into a node

### import callable
from numpy import save

### alias it as the main callable
main_callable = save

### define the third-party library import statement
third_party_import_text = 'from numpy import save'
If the callable is not compatible with inspect.signature() (which Nodezator uses internally to grab information about the callable), all you need to do is write a dummy "def statement" that will be used to create a node, but the original callable will still be used in the actual node layout and when exporting the layout to a python script. Here's an example of how to turn (which is incompatible with inspect.signature()) into a node.

### providing a signature for an incompatible callable

### import the callable
from pygame.image import save

### define it as the main callable
main_callable = save

### third-party library import statement
third_party_import_text = 'from pygame.image import save'

### write the dummy function and alias it as the
### signature_callable; this is the only additional step
### to turn an incompatible callable into a node

def _save(surface, filename_or_fileobj, namehint=''):

signature_callable = _save
As you can see, not much more has to be done. I tried to make the api as simple and straightforward as possible.

RE: Nodezator (free Python node editor) released to the public domain! - snippsat - Jun-23-2022

Look impressive,and like the outside of box 📮 usage with Pygame.

RE: Nodezator (free Python node editor) released to the public domain! - Larz60+ - Jun-24-2022

Excellent, impressive work.