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[Tkinter] entry widget - Printable Version

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entry widget - DPaul - Jun-04-2023

Hi, a cosmetic question.
I have an app with some entry boxes, nothing special.
entryKl = Entry(frame1, font=myFont,bg='lightblue')
entryKl.pack(side=TOP, padx=10, pady=5)
When I set an entry to "state=DISABLED" it turns into an 'ugly' white,
unlike other widgets, that are dimmed.
How can I keep the color of an entry widget in Disabled state.
Edit: found it , there seems to be an option:
entryKl.config(state=DISABLED, disabledbackground='lightblue') !

RE: entry widget - rob101 - Jun-04-2023

You could also code it as: Entry(frame1, font=myFont,bg='lightblue',disabledbackground='lightblue')

Then, when you change the 'state', the background colors are already specified.

RE: entry widget - menator01 - Jun-05-2023

another way

import tkinter as tk

def set_state(arg, btn):
    if arg['state'] == 'disabled':
        arg['state'] = 'normal'
        btn['text'] = 'Disable'
        arg.delete(0, tk.END)
        arg['disabledbackground'] = 'lightgray'
        arg['state'] = 'disabled'
        btn['text'] = 'Enable'

root = tk.Tk()
root['padx'] = 5
root['pady'] = 5

entry = tk.Entry(root, bg='antiquewhite')
entry.pack(expand=True, fill='x', pady=5)

btn = tk.Button(root, text='Disable', command=lambda: set_state(entry, btn))

RE: entry widget - DPaul - Jun-05-2023

Thanks Menator and Rob,
Fit faber fabricando.

RE: entry widget - Gaurav_Kumar - Jul-28-2023

Wehn you set the state of an Entry widget to DISABLED, it becomes non-editable, and by default, it appears in a grayed-out "disabled" state with a white background, which might not look good. To keep the color of an Entry widget in the disabled state, you can change the appearance by setting a specific background color explicitly.

Her is an example how you can do this:-

import tkinter as tk

def set_disabled_state(entry_widget):
    entry_widget.configure(state=tk.DISABLED, disabledbackground="lightgray")

# Create the main Tkinter window
root = tk.Tk()
root.title("Customizing Disabled Entry")

# Create an Entry widget
entryKl = tk.Entry(root, font=("Arial", 12), bg='lightblue')
entryKl.pack(side=tk.TOP, padx=10, pady=5)

# Set the Entry to the DISABLED state and customize the disabled background color


RE: entry widget - deanhystad - Jul-28-2023

If you want to control the appearance of a widget in it's disabled state, configure the widget when you create it, or use a style.
import tkinter as tk

def toggle_state(widget):
    state = tk.DISABLED if widget["state"] != tk.DISABLED else tk.NORMAL

root = tk.Tk()

entry = tk.Entry(root, font=("Arial", 12), bg='lightblue')
entry.configure(disabledbackground=entry["bg"], disabledforeground=entry["fg"])  # Look same when disabled.
entry.pack(side=tk.TOP, padx=10, pady=5)

button = tk.Button(root, text="Toggle State", font=("Arial", 24), command=lambda: toggle_state(entry))
button.pack(side=tk.TOP, padx=10, pady=5)
