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python Read each xlsx file and write it into csv with pipe delimiter - Printable Version

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python Read each xlsx file and write it into csv with pipe delimiter - mg24 - Aug-29-2023

Hi Team,

I am trying to Read xlsx file and I want to write it into CSV File with pipe delimited.all decimal values wanted to round up 6 decimal places.

Challenges I am facing for Negative Numbers

xlsx values

in CSV File values are getting written as , negative symbol getting missed.

how to fix it.


import os
import pandas as pd

# Specify the source directory containing the xlsx files
xlsx_directory = "path/to/source/directory"

# Specify the destination directory for saving the csv files
csv_destination = "path/to/destination/directory"

# Create the destination directory if it doesn't exist
if not os.path.exists(csv_destination):

# Get a list of all xlsx files in the source directory
xlsx_files = [f for f in os.listdir(xlsx_directory) if f.endswith('.xlsx')]

# Loop through the xlsx files
for xlsx_file in xlsx_files:
    # Construct the full path of the xlsx file
    xlsx_path = os.path.join(xlsx_directory, xlsx_file)
    # Load the xlsx file into a pandas DataFrame
    df = pd.read_excel(xlsx_path)
    # Construct the path for the CSV file in the destination directory
    csv_file = os.path.splitext(xlsx_file)[0] + '.csv'
    csv_path = os.path.join(csv_destination, csv_file)
    # Save the DataFrame as a CSV file with pipe delimiter
    df.to_csv(csv_path, sep='|', index=False, float_format='%.6f')

    print(f"Converted {xlsx_file} to {csv_file}")

RE: python Read each xlsx file and write it into csv with pipe delimiter - Pedroski55 - Aug-30-2023

Just a suggestion, I don't know pandas very well:

Using pandas save the excel as csv.

df.to_csv(savepathXL+savenameCSV, index=False)
Then you have a text file. Open the csv as a text file and change things using re, or .replace()

Pandas docs here.

Found this on stackoverflow


RE: python Read each xlsx file and write it into csv with pipe delimiter - carecavoador - Aug-30-2023

This is the way... And to use the pipe | as the separator just pass '|' as the sep argument to df.to_csv():

df.to_csv(savepathXL+savenameCSV, index=False, sep='|')

RE: python Read each xlsx file and write it into csv with pipe delimiter - deanhystad - Aug-30-2023

Is there a negative number to print? Verify that df has a negative number. If so, the problem is writing the csv. Try writing without the format. If there is not a negative number in df, verify there is a negative number in the spreadsheet.

Your code works for me.

RE: python Read each xlsx file and write it into csv with pipe delimiter - mg24 - Nov-09-2023

Hi Team,

This is code I am using for cosolidation of xlsx files into Main file, Do ou see any error or suggest please

from pathlib import Path
import pandas as pd

foldername = "your_folder_name"
output_folder = "output_folder"  # Define the folder where you want to save the output CSV files
extra_header = "IFRS"
columns_to_fill = ['year1', 'year2', 'year3', 'year4', 'year5', 'Total']

files_combine = Path(f"{foldername}").rglob("*.xlsx")

header_written = False

for input_xls in files_combine:
    # Attempt to read from the 'Data' sheet; if it doesn't exist, read the first active sheet
        df = pd.read_excel(input_xls, sheet_name='Data')
        # Check if the header contains "reports"
        if 'reports' in df.columns.str.lower():
            df_dict = { df}
            raise ValueError("Header does not contain 'reports'")
    except Exception:
        df_dict = pd.read_excel(input_xls, sheet_name=None, engine='openpyxl')  # Read all sheets into a dictionary
        # Select the first non-empty sheet as the active sheet
        for sheet_name, sheet_data in df_dict.items():
            if not sheet_data.empty:
                # Check if the header contains "reports"
                if 'reports' in sheet_data.columns.str.lower():
                    df = sheet_data
                    df_dict = { df}
                    raise ValueError("Header does not contain 'reports'")
    # Check if "IFRS" column already exists, and if not, add it
    if 'IFRS' not in df.columns:
        df['IFRS'] = extra_header
    # Replace blank cells in the specified columns with 0
    df[columns_to_fill] = df[columns_to_fill].fillna(0)
    # Convert 'reporting date' column to yyyy-mm-dd format
    df['reporting date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['reporting date']).dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
    # Extract the existing headers from the first row
    existing_headers = list(df.columns)
    # Add the extra header "IFRS" to the list of existing headers
    # Update the DataFrame columns with the new list of headers
    df.columns = existing_headers
    # Insert an additional column for 'FileName' in the DataFrame
    df.insert(0, 'FileName',
    # Define the output CSV file name based on the input file name
    output_csv_file = f"{output_folder}/{input_xls.stem}_combined.csv"
    # Check if the header has been written, and if not, write it
    if not header_written:
        header_written = True
        df.to_csv(output_csv_file, index=False, sep='\t', encoding='utf-8', float_format='%.6f', header=True, mode='a')
        # Append the workbook data to the CSV file without writing the header again
        df.to_csv(output_csv_file, index=False, sep='\t', encoding='utf-8', float_format='%.6f', header=False, mode='a')