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method call help
Je reçois une résultat non qui j'attend, et je ne sais pas pourquoi ?
quand j'appel la méthode pricing_mac(self): de class HardwareGeek(EmployeeHardware): le prix ne change pas, :

quand :
kim.pricing_intel() # on passe au tarif "PC"
project_o.perform(kim, "achat matériel PC", 0.5)
kim.pricing_mac() # on passe au tarif "MAC"
project_o.perform(kim, "achat matériel MAC", 1.5)
project_o.perform(ali, "configuration matériel", 2)
project_o.perform(ali, "installation chez client", 3)

il affiche :

Kim achat matériel PC 65.00€/h 0.50h 32€
Kim achat matériel MAC 75.00€/h 1.50h 112€
Ali configuration matériel 0.00€/h 2.00h 0€
Ali installation chez client 0.00€/h 3.00h 0€

moi je veux cette affiche:
Kim achat matériel PC 65.00€/h 0.50h 32€
Kim achat matériel MAC 75.00€/h 1.50h 112€
Ali configuration matériel 50.00€/h 2.00h 100€
Ali installation chez client 50.00€/h 3.00h 150€

Ceci est mon code :
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
class InvoiceCalc:
    Calcul des montants à facturer
    __taux_tva = 0.21
    __instance = None
    def singleton(taux_tva):
        if not InvoiceCalc.__instance:
            InvoiceCalc.__instance = InvoiceCalc()
            InvoiceCalc.__instance.__taux_tva = InvoiceCalc(taux_tva)
    def __init__(self):
    def compute_perform(self, price, dur):
        """ calcule le montant à facturer (htva, tva, ttc)
            pour cet employé "emp" et
            pour cette durée de prestation  "dur"
            avec le tarif horaire "price" = emp.price
        montant = dur * price
        return self.compute_expense(montant)
    def compute_expense(self, exp):
        """ calcule et retourne le montant à facturer (htva, tva, ttc)
            pour cette dépense "exp"
        montant = exp
        tva = montant * self.__taux_tva
        montant_ttc = montant + tva
        return ( montant, tva, montant_ttc )
class Project:
    Gestion des enregistrements du temps d'un employé
    sur un projet pour un client.
    A ne pas modifier !
    def __init__(self, project="", client=""):
        self.__client = ""
        self.__project = project
        self.__perform_l = []
        self.__expense_l = []
        self.__client = client
    def perform(self, emp, det, dur):
        if isinstance(emp, Employee):
                "detail":   det,
                "duration": float(dur),
                "price":    emp.price
    def expense(self, emp, subject, amount):
            "detail": subject,
            "amount": float(amount)
    def __iter__(self):
        self.index = 0
        self.inv_calc = InvoiceCalc()
        return self
    def __next__(self):
        if self.index >= len(self.__expense_l):
            raise StopIteration
        data = self.__expense_l[self.index]
        self.index += 1
        amount = data['amount']
        htva, tva, ttc = self.inv_calc.compute_expense(amount)
        return f'{data["detail"]},{htva},{tva},{ttc}'
        #return data
    def __str__(self):
        # templates
        header_s = \
    Client  : {1}
    Projet  : {2}
        header_perform_s = \
    Détail des prestations (h, €)
        header_expense_s = \
    Détail des dépenses (€)
        perform_str = "{2:8} {0:26} {5:>6.2f}€/h {1:>6.2f}h {4:>6.0f}€\n"
        expense_str = "{2:8} {0:26}                   {4:>6.0f}€\n"
        title_str = "{2:^8} {0:^26} {5:^8} {1:^9} {4:^7}\n"
        t_p = 0  # total prestation
        t_i = 0  # total facturation
        t_e = 0  # total expense
        final_fs = ""
        # header
        final_fs += header_s.format("", self.__client, self.__project)
        # body "perform"
        final_fs += header_perform_s
        final_fs += title_str.format("TASK", "DUR", "PERSON", "DEPT", "INV", "PRICE")
        for data in self.__perform_l:
            inv_c = InvoiceCalc()
            to_invoice_tuple = inv_c.compute_perform(data["price"], data["duration"])
            final_fs += perform_str.format(
            t_p += data["duration"]
            t_i += to_invoice_tuple[0]
        final_fs += "\n" + perform_str.format("Total perform", t_p, "", "", t_i, 0) + "\n"
        # body "expense"
        final_fs += header_expense_s
        final_fs += title_str.format("EXPENSE", "", "PERSON", "DEPT", "INV", "")
        for data in self.__expense_l:
            inv_c = InvoiceCalc()
            to_invoice_tuple = inv_c.compute_expense(data["amount"])
            final_fs += expense_str.format(
            t_e += to_invoice_tuple[0]
        final_fs += "\n" + expense_str.format("Total expense", 0, "", "", t_e) + "\n"
        # footer
        final_fs += "\n" + expense_str.format("Total général", 0, "******", "***********", t_e + t_i) + "\n"
        return final_fs
class Employee(ABC):
    def __init__(self, name): = name
    def price(self):
        return self.price
    def department(self):
        return self.department
    def factory(self, name, function):
        if function == "Geek":
            return Geek(name)
        elif function == "hardware":
            return HardwareGeek(name)
        elif function == "technical manager":
            return TechnicalManager(name)
        elif function == "account manager":
            return AccountManager(name)
            raise ValueError("Unknown employee type")
        #return EmployeeFake(name)
class EmployeeFake(Employee):
    department = "circus"
    price = 15
class EmployeeHardware(Employee):
    department = "hardware"
    project_o = Project("installation de deux PC", "Lehman Brothers Bank")
    emp = "kim"
    det = {"achat matériel MAC", "configuration matériel", "installation chez client"}#"detail"
    dur = 0
    project_o.perform(emp, det, dur)
    detail = det
class Geek(EmployeeHardware):
    price = 60
class HardwareGeek(EmployeeHardware):
    price = 0
    # fonction à déplacer dans la bonne classe
    def pricing_intel(self):
        self.price = 65
        return self.price
        # pass
    def pricing_mac(self):
        detail = {"achat matériel MAC", "configuration matériel", "installation chez client"}
        if detail == "achat matériel MAC":
            self.price = 75
        if detail == "configuration matériel":
            self.price = 50
        elif detail == "installation chez client":
            self.price = 50
        else :self.price = 75
class TechnicalManager(EmployeeHardware):
    price = 90
class AccountManager(Employee):
    department = "account"
    price = 100
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # 1)
    kim = Employee.factory("Kim", "hardware" )  # return HardwareGeek object
    ali = Employee.factory("Ali", "hardware" )  # return HardwareGeek object
    albert = Employee.factory("Albert", "technical manager") # return TechnicalManager object
    sophie = Employee.factory("Sophie", "account manager")   # return AccountManager object
    # 2)
    project_o = Project("installation de deux PC", "Lehman Brothers Bank")
    # 3)
    project_o.perform(albert, "réunion avec client", 1)
    kim.pricing_intel() # on passe au tarif "PC"
    project_o.perform(kim, "achat matériel PC", 0.5)
    kim.pricing_mac()   # on passe au tarif "MAC"
    project_o.perform(kim, "achat matériel MAC", 1.5)
    project_o.perform(ali, "configuration matériel", 2)
    project_o.perform(ali, "installation chez client", 3)
    project_o.perform(albert, "remise des clés", 0.5)
    project_o.perform(sophie, "convention avec le client", 0.5)
    # on ajoute des dépenses
    project_o.expense(kim, "deux PC et accessoires", 1500)
    project_o.expense(kim, "trois MAC et accessoires", 4500)
    # 4)
    project_it = iter(project_o)
    while True:
            # iteration
            csv = next(project_it)
        except StopIteration:
            # quand tous les enregistrements ont été reçus
*merci pour l'aide*
Yoriz write Feb-19-2023, 03:32 PM:
Please post all code, output and errors (in their entirety) between their respective tags. Refer to BBCode help topic on how to post. Use the "Preview Post" button to make sure the code is presented as you expect before hitting the "Post Reply/Thread" button.

Messages In This Thread
method call help - by sollarriiii - Feb-19-2023, 03:14 PM
RE: method call help - by Yoriz - Feb-19-2023, 03:39 PM
RE: method call help - by deanhystad - Feb-19-2023, 04:22 PM
RE: method call help - by noisefloor - Feb-19-2023, 06:40 PM
RE: method call help - by sollarriiii - Feb-19-2023, 07:24 PM
RE: method call help - by Gribouillis - Feb-19-2023, 07:30 PM
RE: method call help - by noisefloor - Feb-21-2023, 03:19 AM

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