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python idle turtle graphics help
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python idle turtle graphics help
needing help with this assignment

Im working on a python assignment. The end result of the assignment is to produce a program of the game Solitaire that randomly generates a random amount of cards with a random suit between A and D and a random stack location between 1-6.
The code that comes given to me , produces a board and stack locations of where the cards must be displayed and their x and y locations for convenience.

Im required to draw a card with 4 unique graphics to make each suit unique.

Please note
Quote:# This is an individual assessment item. By submitting this
# code I agree that it represents my own work. I am aware of
# the University rule that a student must not act in a manner
# which constitutes academic dishonesty as stated and explained
# in QUT's Manual of Policies and Procedures, Section C/5.3
# "Academic Integrity" and Section E/2.1 "Student Code of Conduct".

Here is the code
#-----Statement of Authorship----------------------------------------#
#  This is an individual assessment item.  By submitting this
#  code I agree that it represents my own work.  I am aware of
#  the University rule that a student must not act in a manner
#  which constitutes academic dishonesty as stated and explained
#  in QUT's Manual of Policies and Procedures, Section C/5.3
#  "Academic Integrity" and Section E/2.1 "Student Code of Conduct".
#    Student name: PUT YOUR NAME HERE
#  NB: Files submitted without a completed copy of this statement
#  will not be marked.  All files submitted will be subjected to
#  software plagiarism analysis using the MoSS system
#  (

#-----Assignment Description-----------------------------------------#
# This assignment tests your skills at processing data stored in
# lists, creating reusable code and following instructions to display
# a complex visual image.  The incomplete Python program below is
# missing a crucial function, "deal_cards".  You are required to
# complete this function so that when the program is run it draws a
# game of Patience (also called Solitaire in the US), consisting of
# multiple stacks of cards in four suits.  See the instruction sheet
# accompanying this file for full details.
# Note that this assignment is in two parts, the second of which
# will be released only just before the final deadline.  This
# template file will be used for both parts and you will submit
# your final solution as a single Python 3 file, whether or not you
# complete both parts of the assignment.

# This section imports necessary functions and defines constant
# values used for creating the drawing canvas.  You should not change
# any of the code in this section.

# Import the functions needed to complete this assignment.  You
# should not need to use any other modules for your solution.  In
# particular, your solution must NOT rely on any non-standard Python
# modules that need to be installed separately, because the markers
# will not have access to such modules.

from turtle import *
from math import *
from random import *

# Define constant values used in the main program that sets up
# the drawing canvas.  Do not change any of these values.

# Constants defining the size of the card table
table_width = 1100 # width of the card table in pixels
table_height = 800 # height (actually depth) of the card table in pixels
canvas_border = 30 # border between playing area and window's edge in pixels
half_width = table_width // 2 # maximum x coordinate on table in either direction
half_height = table_height // 2 # maximum y coordinate on table in either direction

# Work out how wide some text is (in pixels)
def calculate_text_width(string, text_font = None):
    write(string, align = 'left', move = True, font = text_font)
    text_width = xcor()
    undo() # write
    undo() # goto
    undo() # penup
    return text_width

# Constants used for drawing the coordinate axes
axis_font = ('Consolas', 10, 'normal') # font for drawing the axes
font_height = 14 # interline separation for text
tic_sep = 50 # gradations for the x and y scales shown on the screen
tics_width = calculate_text_width("-mmm -", axis_font) # width of y axis labels

# Constants defining the stacks of cards
stack_base = half_height - 25 # starting y coordinate for the stacks
num_stacks = 6 # how many locations there are for the stacks
stack_width = table_width / (num_stacks + 1) # max width of stacks
stack_gap = (table_width - num_stacks * stack_width) // (num_stacks + 1) # inter-stack gap
max_cards = 10 # maximum number of cards per stack

# Define the starting locations of each stack
stack_locations = [["Stack " + str(loc + 1),
                    [int(-half_width + (loc + 1) * stack_gap + loc * stack_width + stack_width / 2),
                    for loc in range(num_stacks)]

# Same as Turtle's write command, but writes upside down
def write_upside_down(string, **named_params):
    named_params['angle'] = 180
    tk_canvas = getscreen().cv
    tk_canvas.create_text(xcor(), -ycor(), named_params, text = string)


#-----Functions for Creating the Drawing Canvas----------------------#
# The functions in this section are called by the main program to
# create the drawing canvas for your image.  You should not change
# any of the code in this section.

# Set up the canvas and draw the background for the overall image.
# By default the coordinate axes displayed - call the function
# with False as the argument to prevent this.
def create_drawing_canvas(show_axes = True):

    # Set up the drawing canvas
    setup(table_width + tics_width + canvas_border * 2,
          table_height + font_height + canvas_border * 2)

    # Draw as fast as possible

    # Make the background felt green and the pen a lighter colour
    pencolor('light green')

    # Lift the pen while drawing the axes

    # Optionally draw x coordinates along the bottom of the table
    if show_axes:
        for x_coord in range(-half_width + tic_sep, half_width, tic_sep):
            goto(x_coord, -half_height - font_height)
            write('| ' + str(x_coord), align = 'left', font = axis_font)

    # Optionally draw y coordinates to the left of the table
    if show_axes:
        max_tic = int(stack_base / tic_sep) * tic_sep
        for y_coord in range(-max_tic, max_tic + tic_sep, tic_sep):
            goto(-half_width, y_coord - font_height / 2)
            write(str(y_coord).rjust(4) + ' -', font = axis_font, align = 'right')

    # Optionally mark each of the starting points for the stacks
    if show_axes:
        for name, location in stack_locations:
            # Draw the central dot
            color('light green')
            # Draw the horizontal line
            goto(location[0] - (stack_width // 2), location[1])
            goto(location[0] -  (stack_width // 2), location[1] + 4)
            # Write the coordinate
            write(name + ': ' + str(location), font = axis_font)

    #Draw a border around the entire table
    goto(-half_width, half_height) # top left
    goto(half_width, half_height) # top
    goto(half_width, -half_height) # right
    goto(-half_width, -half_height) # bottom
    goto(-half_width, half_height) # left

    # Reset everything, ready for the student's solution

# End the program and release the drawing canvas.
# By default the cursor (turtle) is hidden when the program
# ends - call the function with False as the argument to
# prevent this.
def release_drawing_canvas(hide_cursor = True):
    tracer(True) # ensure any partial drawing in progress is displayed
    if hide_cursor:

#-----Test Data for Use During Code Development----------------------#
# The "fixed" data sets in this section are provided to help you
# develop and test your code.  You can use them as the argument to
# the deal_cards function while perfecting your solution.  However,
# they will NOT be used to assess your program.  Your solution will
# be assessed using the random_game function appearing below.  Your
# program must work correctly for any data set that can be generated
# by the random_game function.

# Each of these fixed games draws just one card
fixed_game_0 = [['Stack 1', 'Suit A', 1, 0]]
fixed_game_1 = [['Stack 2', 'Suit B', 1, 0]]
fixed_game_2 = [['Stack 3', 'Suit C', 1, 0]]
fixed_game_3 = [['Stack 4', 'Suit D', 1, 0]]

# Each of these fixed games draws several copies of just one card
fixed_game_4 = [['Stack 2', 'Suit A', 4, 0]]
fixed_game_5 = [['Stack 3', 'Suit B', 3, 0]]
fixed_game_6 = [['Stack 4', 'Suit C', 2, 0]]
fixed_game_7 = [['Stack 5', 'Suit D', 5, 0]]

# This fixed game draws each of the four cards once
fixed_game_8 = [['Stack 1', 'Suit A', 1, 0],
                ['Stack 2', 'Suit B', 1, 0],
                ['Stack 3', 'Suit C', 1, 0],
                ['Stack 4', 'Suit D', 1, 0]]

# These fixed games each contain a non-zero "extra" value
fixed_game_9 = [['Stack 3', 'Suit D', 4, 4]]
fixed_game_10 = [['Stack 4', 'Suit C', 3, 2]]
fixed_game_11 = [['Stack 5', 'Suit B', 2, 1]]
fixed_game_12 = [['Stack 6', 'Suit A', 5, 5]]

# These fixed games describe some "typical" layouts with multiple
# cards and suits. You can create more such data sets yourself
# by calling function random_game in the shell window

fixed_game_13 = \
 [['Stack 6', 'Suit D', 9, 6],
  ['Stack 4', 'Suit B', 5, 0],
  ['Stack 5', 'Suit B', 1, 1],
  ['Stack 2', 'Suit C', 4, 0]]
fixed_game_14 = \
 [['Stack 1', 'Suit C', 1, 0],
  ['Stack 5', 'Suit D', 2, 1],
  ['Stack 3', 'Suit A', 2, 0],
  ['Stack 2', 'Suit A', 8, 5],
  ['Stack 6', 'Suit C', 10, 0]]

fixed_game_15 = \
 [['Stack 3', 'Suit D', 0, 0],
  ['Stack 6', 'Suit B', 2, 0],
  ['Stack 2', 'Suit D', 6, 0],
  ['Stack 1', 'Suit C', 1, 0],
  ['Stack 4', 'Suit B', 1, 1],
  ['Stack 5', 'Suit A', 3, 0]]

fixed_game_16 = \
 [['Stack 6', 'Suit C', 8, 0],
  ['Stack 2', 'Suit C', 4, 4],
  ['Stack 5', 'Suit A', 9, 3],
  ['Stack 4', 'Suit C', 0, 0],
  ['Stack 1', 'Suit A', 5, 0],
  ['Stack 3', 'Suit B', 5, 0]]

fixed_game_17 = \
 [['Stack 4', 'Suit A', 6, 0],
  ['Stack 6', 'Suit C', 1, 1],
  ['Stack 5', 'Suit C', 4, 0],
  ['Stack 1', 'Suit D', 10, 0],
  ['Stack 3', 'Suit B', 9, 0],
  ['Stack 2', 'Suit D', 2, 2]]
# The "full_game" dataset describes a random game
# containing the maximum number of cards
stacks = ['Stack ' + str(stack_num+1) for stack_num in range(num_stacks)]
suits = ['Suit ' + chr(ord('A')+suit_num) for suit_num in range(4)]
full_game = [[stacks[stack], suits[stack % 4], max_cards, randint(0, max_cards)]
             for stack in range(num_stacks)]


#-----Function for Assessing Your Solution---------------------------#
# The function in this section will be used to mark your solution.
# Do not change any of the code in this section.
# The following function creates a random data set specifying a game
# of Patience to be drawn.  Your program must work for any data set 
# returned by this function.  The results returned by calling this 
# function will be used as the argument to your deal_cards function 
# during marking. For convenience during code development and marking 
# this function also prints the game data to the shell window.
# Each of the data sets generated is a list specifying a set of
# card stacks to be drawn. Each specification consists of the
# following parts:
# a) Which stack is being described, from Stack 1 to num_stacks.
# b) The suit of cards in the stack, from 'A' to 'D'.
# c) The number of cards in the stack, from 0 to max_cards
# d) An "extra" value, from 0 to max_cards, whose purpose will be
#    revealed only in Part B of the assignment.  You should
#    ignore it while completing Part A.
# There will be up to num_stacks specifications, but sometimes fewer
# stacks will be described, so your code must work for any number
# of stack specifications.
def random_game(print_game = True):

    # Percent chance of the extra value being non-zero
    extra_probability = 20

    # Generate all the stack and suit names playable
    game_stacks = ['Stack ' + str(stack_num+1)
                   for stack_num in range(num_stacks)]
    game_suits = ['Suit ' + chr(ord('A')+suit_num)
                  for suit_num in range(4)]

    # Create a list of stack specifications
    game = []

    # Randomly order the stacks

    # Create the individual stack specifications 
    for stack in game_stacks:
        # Choose the suit and number of cards
        suit = choice(game_suits)
        num_cards = randint(0, max_cards)
        # Choose the extra value
        if num_cards > 0 and randint(1, 100) <= extra_probability: 
            option = randint(1,num_cards)
            option = 0
        # Add the stack to the game, but if the number of cards
        # is zero we will usually choose to omit it entirely
        if num_cards != 0 or randint(1, 4) == 4:
            game.append([stack, suit, num_cards, option])
    # Optionally print the result to the shell window
    if print_game:
        print('\nCards to draw ' +
              '(stack, suit, no. cards, option):\n\n',
              str(game).replace('],', '],\n '))
    # Return the result to the student's deal_cards function
    return game


#-----Student's Solution---------------------------------------------#
#  Complete the assignment by replacing the dummy function below with
#  your own "deal_cards" function.

# Draw the card stacks as per the provided game specification
def deal_cards(rename_this_parameter):


#-----Main Program---------------------------------------------------#
# This main program sets up the background, ready for you to start
# drawing the card game.  Do not change any of this code except
# as indicated by the comments marked '*****'.

# Set up the drawing canvas
# ***** Change the default argument to False if you don't want to
# ***** display the coordinates and stack locations

# Control the drawing speed
# ***** Modify the following argument if you want to adjust
# ***** the drawing speed

# Decide whether or not to show the drawing being done step-by-step
# ***** Set the following argument to False if you don't want to wait
# ***** while the cursor moves around the screen

# Give the drawing canvas a title
# ***** Replace this title with a description of your cards' theme
title("Put a description of your card theme here")

### Call the student's function to draw the game
### ***** While developing your program you can call the deal_cards
### ***** function with one of the "fixed" data sets, but your
### ***** final solution must work with "random_game()" as the
### ***** argument to the deal_cards function.  Your program must
### ***** work for any data set that can be returned by the
### ***** random_game function.
# deal_cards(fixed_game_0) # <-- used for code development only, not marking
# deal_cards(full_game) # <-- used for code development only, not marking
deal_cards(random_game()) # <-- used for assessment

# Exit gracefully
# ***** Change the default argument to False if you want the
# ***** cursor (turtle) to remain visible at the end of the
# ***** program as a debugging aid

Thank you for sharing your homework, the forum can assist on parts your are stuck with but cannot do your homework for you.
When you get stuck, please post a minimal code sample (in python code tags) for the specific part your stuck on, explain what you expect to happen and what is actually happening and any errors received in error tags.
If someone can they will then assist you.
What exactly are you having trouble with?
i have to draw 6 groups of "card stacks" using turtle graphics only, position the stacks accordingly and then put a design on the cards - then will once the drawing is complete i need it to run certain functions required by the task

here is my start to my code ( i am a beginner just learning haha) - i am trying to draw the card stacks

#create card stack drawings, position them and draw

#stack 1

s1 = turtle.Turtle()






s1.forward(stack_width / 2)







s1.stack_gap = (table_width - num_stacks * stack_width) // (num_stacks + 1)

s1.card_stack = ('S1','S2','S3','S4','S5','S6')

s1.card_suits = ('A=Clubs', 'B=Diamonds', 'C=Hearts', 'D=Spades')

s1.card_values =('2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10','J','Q','K','A')

s1.max_cards = 10
I get an error
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 17, in <module>
    s1.forward(stack_width / 2)
NameError: name 'stack_width' is not defined 
What is stack_width supposed to do/be. There will also be similar errors with table_width and num_stacks. Also, I would suggest that you create a function to draw one card, and send the info to the function. like start position. number and suit.
(Apr-14-2019, 04:55 AM)woooee Wrote: What is stack_width supposed to do/be.

stack_width is defined in the teacher's code. There is a whole bunch of supporting code the teacher gave them, that his code is meant to be inserted into. See the first post.
Craig "Ichabod" O'Brien -
I wish you happiness.
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