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xml indent SubElements (wrapping) with multiple strings
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xml indent SubElements (wrapping) with multiple strings
(I updated the code with comments)
Hi everyone, I am creating an xml file with python using xml.etree.ElementTree. In input I have a docx, where the titles are formatted like "Header1" and the paragraphs under the title will be the text of the title (in short).
I need to format the xml properly. At the moment I have this code (I attach it)
One of the xml output I have is!AohXx8uDzsTq8xsoHKat...T?e=omJVaQ after "lines" elem. the text is not wrapping. Instead I want that "lines" is like a group of the string like is here!AohXx8uDzsTq8xzcRknU...g?e=QvGaYD
I attached also a test file.
If you prefer, here is the code:
import os
import re
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from docx import Document

def generate_xml(docx_file, output_folder):
    # Read the docx file
    document = Document(docx_file)
    # Initialize variables
    verse_num = 1
    verse_type = 'V'
    song_count = 0
    lines_text = ''
    verse_order_set = set()
    verseOrder = None
    lyrics = None
    root = None
    lines = None
    # Loop through the paragraphs in the docx file
    for i, para in enumerate(document.paragraphs):
        # Check if the paragraph style is "Heading 1"
        if == 'Heading 1':
            # Create the root "song" element and set its attributes
            root = ET.Element("song")
            root.set("xmlns", "")
            root.set("version", "0.8")
            root.set("createdIn", "OpenLP 2.4.3")
            root.set("modifiedIn", "FreeWorship 3.2301.280.0")
            root.set("modifiedDate", "2023-04-27T18:47:00")

            # Create the child elements of the root element
            properties = ET.SubElement(root, 'properties')
            titles = ET.SubElement(properties, 'titles')
            title = ET.SubElement(titles, 'title')
            title.text = para.text
            authors = ET.SubElement(properties, 'authors')
            author = ET.SubElement(authors, 'author')
            author.text="Author Unknown"
            verseOrder = ET.SubElement(properties, 'verseOrder')
            verseOrder.text = ''
            songbooks = ET.SubElement(properties, 'songbooks')
            songbook = ET.SubElement(songbooks, 'songbook')
            lyrics = ET.SubElement(root, 'lyrics')
            # Increment the song count and reset variables for the next song
            song_count += 1
            verse_num = 1
            bridge_num = 1
            chorus_num = 1
        else:            # Check if the paragraph text is not empty
            if para.text.strip():
                first_word = para.text.split()[0]
                # Check if the first word is a verse number
                if (first_word[-1] == '.' or first_word[-1] == ')') and first_word[:-1].isdigit():
                    # Add the lines text to the "lines" element
                    if lines_text and lines is not None:
                        lines.text = lines_text[:-5]
                        lines_text = ''
                    # Increment the verse number and set the verse type to "V"
                    verse_num += 1
                    verse_type = 'V'
                    # Remove the verse number from the paragraph text
                    para.text = para.text[len(first_word):].strip()
                    # Set the verse name
                    verse_name = f'{verse_type}{verse_num}'
                # Check if the first word is "Coro"
                elif 'Coro' in first_word:
                    # Add the lines text to the "lines" element
                    if lines_text and lines is not None:
                        lines.text = lines_text[:-5]
                        lines_text = ''
                    # Set the verse type to "C"
                    verse_type = 'C'
                    # Remove the first word from the paragraph text
                    para.text = para.text[len(first_word):].strip()
                    # Set the verse name
                    verse_name = f'{verse_type}{chorus_num}'
                    # Increment the chorus number
                    chorus_num += 1
                # Check if the first word is "Bridge:"
                elif first_word == 'Bridge:':
                    # Add the lines text to the "lines" element
                    if lines_text and lines is not None:
                        lines.text = lines_text[:-5]
                        lines_text = ''
                    # Set the verse type to "B"
                    verse_type = 'B'
                    # Remove the first word from the paragraph text
                    para.text = para.text[len(first_word):].strip()
                    # Set the verse name
                    verse_name = f'{verse_type}{bridge_num}'

                    # Set the verse type to "V"
                    verse_type = 'V'
                    # Set the verse name
                    verse_name = f'{verse_type}{verse_num}'
                # Check if the verse name is not in the verse order set
                if verse_name not in verse_order_set:
                    # Add the verse name to the "verseOrder" element text
                    if verseOrder is not None:
                        if not verseOrder.text:
                            verseOrder.text += f'{verse_name}'
                            verseOrder.text += f'{verse_name}'
                        # Add the verse name to the verse order set
                # Check if there is no lines text yet
                if not lines_text and lyrics is not None:
                    # Create the "verse" and "lines" elements
                    verse = ET.SubElement(lyrics, 'verse', attrib={'name': verse_name, 'lang': ''})
                    lines= ET.SubElement(verse, 'lines')
                # Initialize a list to store the text runs
                text_runs = []
                # Loop through the runs in the paragraph
                for run in para.runs:
                    # Check if the run font color is None or black
                    if run.font.color.rgb is None or run.font.color.rgb == "000000":
                        # Append the run text to the text runs list
                        # Split the run text into words and add brackets around each word
                        words = run.text.split()
                        bracketed_words = ['[' + word + ']' for word in words]
                        # Join the bracketed words and append them to the text runs list
                        text_runs.append(' '.join(bracketed_words))
                # Join the text runs and add line breaks
                para_text = ''.join(text_runs).replace('\n','<br/>') +'<br/>'
                # Add the paragraph text to the lines text
                lines_text += para_text
        # Check if this is the last paragraph or if the next paragraph style is "Heading 1"
        if i == len(document.paragraphs) - 1 or document.paragraphs[i + 1] == 'Heading 1':
            # Check if there is a root element
            if root is not None:
                # Add the lines text to the "lines" element
                if lines_text and lyrics is not None and lines is not None:
                    lines.text = lines_text[:-5]
                    lines_text = ''    
                # Create an ElementTree object and write it to an XML file
                tree = ET.ElementTree(root)
                filename = re.sub(r'[^\w\s-]', '', title.text).strip().lower()
               # filename = re.sub(r'[-\s]+', '-', filename)
                output_file = os.path.join(output_folder, f'{filename}.xml')
                tree.write(output_file, encoding='utf-8', xml_declaration=True)

# Call the generate_xml function with a docx file and an output folder as arguments

.docx   TEST.docx (Size: 13.12 KB / Downloads: 91)

.py (Size: 7.6 KB / Downloads: 90)

Attached Files

.py (Size: 5.05 KB / Downloads: 99)
The two screenshots are identical, so the desired result is not very clear.
Big Grin 
(Jun-09-2023, 11:03 AM)Gribouillis Wrote: The two screenshots are identical, so the desired result is not very clear.

ops.. Now I insert the right screenshot. (I edited the original post with other links)

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